Marble Racing Analysis Exercise

In this exercise, I will be analyzing data from marble racing! An overview for the racing can be found here, but as a quick heads up - there is some not safe for work language in the video!


The first thing I need to do is actually load the data and set up some other basic things for the analysis such as package loading and document settings.

# Package loading 
## Attaching package: 'kernlab'
## The following object is masked from 'package:scales':
##     alpha
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     cross
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     alpha
## Loading required package: Formula
## Loading required package: plotmo
## Loading required package: plotrix
## Attaching package: 'plotrix'
## The following object is masked from 'package:scales':
##     rescale
## Loading required package: TeachingDemos
# Document settings 
here::here() #set paths 
## [1] "/Users/savannahhammerton/Desktop/GitHub/MADA/SAVANNAHHAMMERTON-MADA-portfolio"
ggplot2::theme_set(theme_light()) #set plot themes 
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) #document chunk settings 

# Load data and set to object 
marbles <- readr::read_csv(
## Rows: 256 Columns: 14
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (9): date, race, site, source, marble_name, team_name, pole, host, notes
## dbl (5): time_s, points, track_length_m, number_laps, avg_time_lap
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.


Now that I have everything ready to go, I can start exploring the data! To start off easy, I’ll use the glimpse() function to see some variable information.

## Rows: 256
## Columns: 14
## $ date           <chr> "15-Feb-20", "15-Feb-20", "15-Feb-20", "15-Feb-20", "15…
## $ race           <chr> "S1Q1", "S1Q1", "S1Q1", "S1Q1", "S1Q1", "S1Q1", "S1Q1",…
## $ site           <chr> "Savage Speedway", "Savage Speedway", "Savage Speedway"…
## $ source         <chr> "", "…
## $ marble_name    <chr> "Clementin", "Starry", "Momo", "Yellow", "Snowy", "Razz…
## $ team_name      <chr> "O'rangers", "Team Galactic", "Team Momo", "Mellow Yell…
## $ time_s         <dbl> 28.11, 28.37, 28.40, 28.70, 28.71, 28.72, 28.96, 29.11,…
## $ pole           <chr> "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8", "P9", "…
## $ points         <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
## $ track_length_m <dbl> 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81,…
## $ number_laps    <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10,…
## $ avg_time_lap   <dbl> 28.11, 28.37, 28.40, 28.70, 28.71, 28.72, 28.96, 29.11,…
## $ host           <chr> "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "No", "…
## $ notes          <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…

Right off the bat, I see some things I’d like to fix, and some I have questions about. For instance, I can change the date variable to an actual date data type, and can probably change the host variable to a factor (I just need to make sure the only options are “Yes” and “No”). I might be able to do the same to pole and site. There are also a couple of variables that, at least in the first few observations, are all NAs. If there doesn’t seem to be much information in those, I’ll go ahead and remove them.

# Check host variable responses
## [1] "No"  "Yes"
# Just yes and no - I will change this to a factor 

# Check site variables responses 
## [1] "Savage Speedway" "O'raceway"       "Momotorway"      "Hivedrive"      
## [5] "Greenstone"      "Short Circuit"   "Razzway"         "Midnight Bay"
# I will make this a factor as well 

# Check pole variable responses 
##  [1] "P1"  "P2"  "P3"  "P4"  "P5"  "P6"  "P7"  "P8"  "P9"  "P10" "P11" "P12"
## [13] "P13" "P14" "P15" "P16" NA
# This includes some missing data - I need to see how much 

# This is probably a good time to check missing data for the whole data set

# Check points variable responses 
##  [1] NA 25 18 15 12 11  8  6  4  2  1  0 26 10 13 19 16

I’m not sure what’s going on with the points and poles variables. Only one of them seems to be present at a time, but the responses are not the same. I’m going to just remove both of those variables from the set, as well as the notes variable. It seems like the source variable is also just the link to the Youtube video of the race, so I might as well get rid of that as well. I will then make the other changes mentioned above, and remove the few observations that are missing time information.

# Make previously decided changes to data set
marbles.2 <- marbles %>% 
  select(!c(pole, points, notes, source)) %>% 
    date = lubridate::dmy(date),
    host = as_factor(host),
    site = as_factor(site),
    race = as_factor(race),
  ) %>% 

# Check new object 
## Rows: 253
## Columns: 10
## $ date           <date> 2020-02-15, 2020-02-15, 2020-02-15, 2020-02-15, 2020-0…
## $ race           <fct> S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S…
## $ site           <fct> Savage Speedway, Savage Speedway, Savage Speedway, Sava…
## $ marble_name    <chr> "Clementin", "Starry", "Momo", "Yellow", "Snowy", "Razz…
## $ team_name      <chr> "O'rangers", "Team Galactic", "Team Momo", "Mellow Yell…
## $ time_s         <dbl> 28.11, 28.37, 28.40, 28.70, 28.71, 28.72, 28.96, 29.11,…
## $ track_length_m <dbl> 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81,…
## $ number_laps    <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10,…
## $ avg_time_lap   <dbl> 28.11, 28.37, 28.40, 28.70, 28.71, 28.72, 28.96, 29.11,…
## $ host           <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No,…

This is much better! Now I can begin doing some exploration of the information in this data set.

Exploratory Data Analysis

First, I want to get an idea of the information contained here, other than things like team name, marble name, etc., so I’m going to create a summary table to see it all.

# Create summary table with only variables of interest 
marbles.2 %>% 
  select(!c(race, site, marble_name, team_name, host)) %>% #remove unneeded variables 
Characteristic N = 2531
date 2020-02-15 to 2020-04-05
time_s 36 (28, 338)
11.9 31 (12%)
12.05 32 (13%)
12.81 32 (13%)
12.84 32 (13%)
13.2 31 (12%)
14.05 31 (12%)
14.38 32 (13%)
14.55 32 (13%)
1 128 (51%)
9 31 (12%)
10 32 (13%)
11 15 (5.9%)
13 16 (6.3%)
14 15 (5.9%)
16 16 (6.3%)
avg_time_lap 30 (26, 34)

1 Range; Median (IQR); n (%)

There’s a pretty big range in lap number, so I can tell that just looking at the overall time in seconds is not going to tell much. I’ll need to rely more on the average time per lap, or create another variable to examine results.

For now, I’m going to look at the average lap time. First I’ll look at the distribution of this information overall, and then see if there are any apparent differences by team.

# Create histogram of averagee lap time 
ggplot(data = marbles.2, aes(x = avg_time_lap)) +

This appears almost normal, but not quite - the peak around 34 gives it the appearance of some right skewness. I’ll do a histogram with a log transformation just to be sure.

# Create histogram of log avereage lap time 
ggplot(data = marbles.2, aes(x = log(avg_time_lap))) +

This looks about the same as the histogram of the untransformed variable, so I’m going to assume the skewness isn’t enough to make a big impact.

# Create boxplot of average lap times in teams 
ggplot(data = marbles.2, aes(x = avg_time_lap, fill = team_name)) +

There don’t seem to be any big differences between teams. I’ll try to look at the same thing, but by marble names.

# Create boxplot of average lap times in marbles  
ggplot(data = marbles.2, aes(x = avg_time_lap, fill = marble_name)) +

Interestingly, there do seem to be some differences here. Namely, Mary seems to have longer lap times and Clementin seems to have shorter lap times.

I want to do a very quick analysis to see there is any statistical indicator of differences in average lap time between the marbles.

# Fit average lap time to marbles 
marble_fit <- lm(avg_time_lap  ~ marble_name, data = marbles.2)
# Present results 
knitr::kable(broom::tidy(marble_fit, = TRUE))
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) 29.616250 1.876899 15.7793502 0.0000000 25.917339 33.315161
marble_nameBilly -0.630000 2.654336 -0.2373475 0.8126071 -5.861050 4.601050
marble_nameBolt 2.437500 2.654336 0.9183086 0.3594584 -2.793550 7.668550
marble_nameClementin -3.513750 2.654336 -1.3237772 0.1869447 -8.744800 1.717300
marble_nameClutter 0.891250 2.654336 0.3357713 0.7373619 -4.339800 6.122300
marble_nameHazy 0.465000 2.654336 0.1751850 0.8610946 -4.766050 5.696050
marble_nameHive 2.858750 2.654336 1.0770112 0.2826495 -2.372300 8.089800
marble_nameLimelime 3.528750 2.654336 1.3294284 0.1850774 -1.702300 8.759800
marble_nameMallard 0.593750 2.654336 0.2236906 0.8232047 -4.637300 5.824800
marble_nameMary 5.696607 2.747499 2.0733791 0.0392962 0.281956 11.111258
marble_nameMimo -0.375000 2.654336 -0.1412783 0.8877788 -5.606050 4.856050
marble_nameMomo 0.580000 2.654336 0.2185104 0.8272331 -4.651050 5.811050
marble_nameOrangin 3.073750 2.654336 1.1580107 0.2481096 -2.157300 8.304800
marble_namePrim -3.947500 2.654336 -1.4871891 0.1383902 -9.178550 1.283550
marble_namePulsar -0.247500 2.654336 -0.0932436 0.9257945 -5.478550 4.983550
marble_nameRapidly 3.323750 2.654336 1.2521963 0.2118219 -1.907300 8.554800
marble_nameRazzy -2.103750 2.654336 -0.7925710 0.4288778 -7.334800 3.127300
marble_nameRezzy 2.340000 2.654336 0.8815763 0.3789638 -2.891050 7.571050
marble_nameRojo Dos -0.108750 2.654336 -0.0409707 0.9673562 -5.339800 5.122300
marble_nameRojo Uno 0.905000 2.654336 0.3409515 0.7334640 -4.326050 6.136050
marble_nameShock -2.283750 2.654336 -0.8603846 0.3905095 -7.514800 2.947300
marble_nameSmoggy -1.295000 2.654336 -0.4878809 0.6261179 -6.526050 3.936050
marble_nameSnowflake 3.575000 2.654336 1.3468527 0.1794072 -1.656050 8.806050
marble_nameSnowy -3.436250 2.654336 -1.2945797 0.1968162 -8.667300 1.794800
marble_nameSpeedy -3.683750 2.654336 -1.3878234 0.1665884 -8.914800 1.547300
marble_nameStarry 0.606250 2.654336 0.2283998 0.8195466 -4.624800 5.837300
marble_nameSublime -2.684821 2.747499 -0.9771874 0.3295448 -8.099473 2.729830
marble_nameVespa -2.126250 2.654336 -0.8010477 0.4239644 -7.357300 3.104800
marble_nameWispy -2.272500 2.654336 -0.8561462 0.3928442 -7.503550 2.958550
marble_nameWospy 1.423750 2.747499 0.5181985 0.6048382 -3.990901 6.838401
marble_nameYellow -2.607500 2.654336 -0.9823548 0.3269993 -7.838550 2.623550
marble_nameYellup 2.115000 2.654336 0.7968093 0.4264169 -3.116050 7.346050
# View other results 
## # A tibble: 1 × 12
##   r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
##       <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0.197        0.0841  5.31      1.75  0.0118    31  -764. 1594. 1711.
## # … with 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

These results show about what I expected - there are some slight differences between marbles, but nothing major. The adjusted R-squared shows a very small amount of variability in average lap time being explained by the different marbles.

This seems like a good time to add a variable with the winners of the race (I was really surprised that there wasn’t one to begin with). I’m going to base it off of the time_svariable. While I couldn’t use that variable to tell much overall (due to the different laps and track lengths), if I group the race, I think it should be the best way to tell who won.

# Create winner variable 
marbles.3 <- marbles.2 %>% 
  group_by(race) %>%
    place = rank(-time_s),
    winner = (place == 1))

# Check object info
## Rows: 253
## Columns: 12
## Groups: race [16]
## $ date           <date> 2020-02-15, 2020-02-15, 2020-02-15, 2020-02-15, 2020-0…
## $ race           <fct> S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S1Q1, S…
## $ site           <fct> Savage Speedway, Savage Speedway, Savage Speedway, Sava…
## $ marble_name    <chr> "Clementin", "Starry", "Momo", "Yellow", "Snowy", "Razz…
## $ team_name      <chr> "O'rangers", "Team Galactic", "Team Momo", "Mellow Yell…
## $ time_s         <dbl> 28.11, 28.37, 28.40, 28.70, 28.71, 28.72, 28.96, 29.11,…
## $ track_length_m <dbl> 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81, 12.81,…
## $ number_laps    <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10,…
## $ avg_time_lap   <dbl> 28.11, 28.37, 28.40, 28.70, 28.71, 28.72, 28.96, 29.11,…
## $ host           <fct> No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No,…
## $ place          <dbl> 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, …
## $ winner         <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,…

Ok, now that I have this information, I think I’ll use place as my main outcome. However, I still want to do some exploration of other variables.

I’d like to see if factors like date, race, and site impacted the average lap times. Let’s start with date.

# Visualize average lap timese by date
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = date, y = avg_time_lap)) +
  geom_point() +

Hmm, that doesn’t seem like much of anything. However, I remember that the times didn’t seem quite normally distributed, so let me try transforming that variable just to be sure.

# Visualize log averagee lap times by date 
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = date, y = log(avg_time_lap))) +
  geom_point() +

That doesn’t look very different at all, which probably means the data is close enough to a normal distribution that it doesn’t make much of a difference.

It doesn’t look like data impacts lap time much. Next, let’s try by race.

# Visualize average lap times by race 
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = race, y = avg_time_lap)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))

This is kind of interesting, in that it seems almost cyclical, but I don’t know enough about the different races to have any idea about why that could be. Maybe it has to do with number of laps? Let’s check that.

# Visualize average lap time by race, broken down by number of laps 
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = race, y = avg_time_lap)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) +

It’s a little difficult to make any big assumptions based off this, but I don’ see any reason to believe that the number of laps is really influencing the average lap time.

Let’s see if site made any impact.

# Visualize average lap time by site 
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = avg_time_lap, fill = site)) +

Well, there are definitely differences here. I’m guessing that maybe some of these differences are due to different race setups/track types, as the video showed a variety of tracks, but there’s nothing in the data to explain this.

Now I want to see if any of the teams tended to perform better or worse in the race placing.

# Visualize diffent teams' race placing 
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = place, fill = team_name)) +

It seems like the Savage Speeders were not so savage or speedy. The Hazers didn’t appear to do great either.

I’ll now do the same thing with marble name.

# Visualize different marbles' race placing 
ggplot(data = marbles.3, aes(x = place, fill = marble_name)) +

There are actually _all_sorts of differences here. I’m going to do a quick analysis to confirm this.

# Fit marbles to race placing 
place_fit <- lm(place ~ marble_name, data = marbles.3)
# Present results 
knitr::kable(tidy(place_fit, = TRUE))
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) 4.9375000 1.453880 3.3960858 0.0008104 2.0722575 7.802742
marble_nameBilly 2.9375000 2.056096 1.4286782 0.1545086 -1.1145647 6.989565
marble_nameBolt 4.0625000 2.056096 1.9758316 0.0494180 0.0104353 8.114565
marble_nameClementin 3.1875000 2.056096 1.5502678 0.1225081 -0.8645647 7.239565
marble_nameClutter 4.0625000 2.056096 1.9758316 0.0494180 0.0104353 8.114565
marble_nameHazy 5.0000000 2.056096 2.4317927 0.0158205 0.9479353 9.052065
marble_nameHive 1.1875000 2.056096 0.5775508 0.5641554 -2.8645647 5.239565
marble_nameLimelime 3.5625000 2.056096 1.7326523 0.0845525 -0.4895647 7.614565
marble_nameMallard 5.5625000 2.056096 2.7053694 0.0073548 1.5104353 9.614565
marble_nameMary -3.3660714 2.128262 -1.5816058 0.1151697 -7.5603569 0.828214
marble_nameMimo 3.9375000 2.056096 1.9150367 0.0567788 -0.1145647 7.989565
marble_nameMomo 4.3125000 2.056096 2.0974212 0.0370930 0.2604353 8.364565
marble_nameOrangin 5.8125000 2.056096 2.8269590 0.0051304 1.7604353 9.864565
marble_namePrim 8.4375000 2.056096 4.1036501 0.0000572 4.3854353 12.489565
marble_namePulsar 1.5625000 2.056096 0.7599352 0.4481032 -2.4895647 5.614565
marble_nameRapidly 5.1875000 2.056096 2.5229849 0.0123400 1.1354353 9.239565
marble_nameRazzy 0.6875000 2.056096 0.3343715 0.7384163 -3.3645647 4.739565
marble_nameRezzy 4.5625000 2.056096 2.2190108 0.0275027 0.5104353 8.614565
marble_nameRojo Dos 1.9375000 2.056096 0.9423197 0.3470579 -2.1145647 5.989565
marble_nameRojo Uno 2.5625000 2.056096 1.2462937 0.2139760 -1.4895647 6.614565
marble_nameShock 2.0625000 2.056096 1.0031145 0.3169027 -1.9895647 6.114565
marble_nameSmoggy 7.9375000 2.056096 3.8604709 0.0001486 3.8854353 11.989565
marble_nameSnowflake 1.5625000 2.056096 0.7599352 0.4481032 -2.4895647 5.614565
marble_nameSnowy 4.9375000 2.056096 2.4013953 0.0171603 0.8854353 8.989565
marble_nameSpeedy 6.8125000 2.056096 3.3133175 0.0010772 2.7604353 10.864565
marble_nameStarry 3.8125000 2.056096 1.8542419 0.0650369 -0.2395647 7.864565
marble_nameSublime -0.0089286 2.128262 -0.0041952 0.9966565 -4.2032140 4.185357
marble_nameVespa 0.0625000 2.056096 0.0303974 0.9757775 -3.9895647 4.114565
marble_nameWispy 2.0000000 2.056096 0.9727171 0.3317574 -2.0520647 6.052065
marble_nameWospy 6.3482143 2.128262 2.9828163 0.0031767 2.1539288 10.542500
marble_nameYellow 3.8125000 2.056096 1.8542419 0.0650369 -0.2395647 7.864565
marble_nameYellup 5.6875000 2.056096 2.7661642 0.0061520 1.6354353 9.739565
# View additional model results 
## # A tibble: 1 × 12
##   r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic    p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
##       <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     0.291         0.191  4.11      2.92 0.00000267    31  -700. 1465. 1582.
## # … with 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

It looks like marble name is (statistically) a predictor of race placing. What does this mean in real life? I’m not sure. Maybe there’s some physical characteristic of the different marbles that allow them to perform better, or maybe the fates favor some marbles over others. 🤷


I’ve seen some interesting things in the exploration of this data. I think what I’m most interested in is the average lap time. I want to see how various factors in the data impact lap time. However, some of the variables in my data set are probably not relevant or useful in this, so I need to finalize my data set by removing these. Specifically, I’m going to get rid of the host and winner variables.

# Finalize dataset with only relevant data 
marbles.fin <- marbles.3 %>% 
  select(!c(host, winner, place, time_s, number_laps))


It’s time to begin the actual analysis. The first thing I need to is split my final dataset into test and train data. I am also going to go ahead and set up my resample object.

# Set seed to fix random numbers 

# Put 70% of data into training set 
data_split <- initial_split(marbles.fin, 
                            prop = 7/10, #split data set into 70% training, 30% testing
                            strata = avg_time_lap) #use lap time as stratification 

# Create data frames for training and testing sets 
train_data <- training(data_split)
test_data <- testing(data_split)

# Create a resample object for the training data; 5x5, stratify on lap time 
cv5 <- vfold_cv(train_data, 
                v = 5, 
                repeats = 5, 
                strata = avg_time_lap)

I need to decide what models to try with this question. We’ve covered many over this semester, including (but not limited to):

  • Polynomial and Spline Models
  • CART Models
  • Ensemble Models ( i.e. Random Forests)
  • Support Vector Machine Models (SVM)
  • Discriminant Analysis Models

Now that I know my outcome will be average lap time, which is continuous, my basic model will a linear regression model. The ML models I will fit are:

  • Spline
  • Tree
  • Random Forest
  • SVM

I also need to establish how I will evaluate these model fits. I will use the RMSE to do this.

Now, it’s time to set up my recipe.

# Create recipe 
lap_rec <- recipe(avg_time_lap ~ ., #lap time outcome, all other predictors 
                  data = train_data) %>% 
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) #create dummy variables for all nominal variables 

With all this set, let’s start with the null model!

Null Model

# Fit null model to train data 
null_model <- lm(avg_time_lap ~ 1, data = train_data)

# View results 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 29.67455 0.4259133 69.67274 0
# Double checking estimate 
## [1] 29.67455
null_rmse <- null_model %>% 
  augment(newdata = train_data) %>% 
  rmse(truth = avg_time_lap, estimate = .fitted) %>% 
  mutate(model = 'Null Model')
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##   .metric .estimator .estimate model     
##   <chr>   <chr>          <dbl> <chr>     
## 1 rmse    standard        5.63 Null Model

This is what I expected - the model estimate matches the mean in the train data. I now also have an RMSE to compare the other models to - they should all perform better than this.

Spline Model

Now it’s time for the spline model. I will follow these steps:

  1. Create model specification
  2. Create a workflow
  3. Create a tuning grid
  4. Tune the hyperparameters
  5. Autoplot the results
  6. Finalize the workflow
  7. Fit the model to the training data
  8. Estimate model performance with RMSE
  9. Make diagnostic plots
# Model specs 
mars_earth_spec <-
  mars(prod_degree = tune()) %>%
  set_engine('earth') %>%

# Create workflow 
spline_wflow <- 
  workflow() %>% 
  add_model(mars_earth_spec) %>% 

# Create a tuning grid 
spline_grid <- grid_regular(parameters(mars_earth_spec))

# Tune hyperparameters 
spline_res <- spline_wflow %>% 
  tune_grid(resamples = cv5,
            grid = spline_grid,
            metrics = metric_set(rmse),
            control = control_grid(verbose = T))

# Autoplot results
spline_res %>% autoplot()

# Finalize workflow 
best_spline <- spline_res %>% #choose best hyperparameters 
best_spline_wflow <- spline_wflow %>% #finalize with chosen hyperparameters 

# Fit to training data 
best_spline_wflow_fit <- best_spline_wflow %>% 
  fit(data = train_data)

# Estimate model performance with RMSE 
aug_best_spline <- augment(best_spline_wflow_fit, new_data = train_data)
spline_rmse <-
   aug_best_spline %>% 
  rmse(truth = avg_time_lap, .pred) %>% 
  mutate(model = "Spline")
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##   .metric .estimator .estimate model 
##   <chr>   <chr>          <dbl> <chr> 
## 1 rmse    standard       0.771 Spline
# Diagnostic plots 
## Plot actual vs predicted 
ggplot(data = aug_best_spline, aes(x = .pred, y = avg_time_lap)) +

## Plot residuals vs fitted 
aug_best_spline %>% 
  mutate(resid = avg_time_lap - .pred) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = resid)) +

This model seems to have decent performance. The RMSE is much lower than in the null model, the plot of the actual vs predicted value shows pretty similar values, and there doesn’t appear to be any nonconstant variance.


For the tree model, I will follow the same steps as above:

  1. Create model specification
  2. Create a workflow
  3. Create a tuning grid
  4. Tune the hyperparameters
  5. Autoplot the results
  6. Finalize the workflow
  7. Fit the model to the training data
  8. Estimate model performance with RMSE
  9. Make diagnostic plots
# Create model spec 
decision_tree_rpart_spec <-
  decision_tree(tree_depth = tune(), 
                min_n = tune(), 
                cost_complexity = tune()) %>%
  set_engine('rpart') %>%

# Create workflow 
tree_wflow <- workflow() %>% 
  add_model(decision_tree_rpart_spec) %>% 

# Create tuning grid 
tree_grid <- grid_regular(parameters(decision_tree_rpart_spec))

# Tune hyperparameters 
tree_res <- tree_wflow %>% 
  tune_grid(resamples = cv5,
            grid = tree_grid,
            metrics = metric_set(rmse),
            control = control_grid(verbose = TRUE))

# Autoplot results 
tree_res %>% autoplot()

# Finalize workflow 
best_tree <- tree_res %>% #select best hyperparameter combination 
best_tree_wflow <- tree_wflow %>% 

# Fit to training data 
best_tree_wflow_fit <- best_tree_wflow %>% 
  fit(data = train_data)

# Estimate model performance with RMSE 
aug_best_tree <- augment(best_tree_wflow_fit, new_data = train_data)
tree_rmse <- 
  aug_best_tree %>% 
  rmse(truth = avg_time_lap, .pred) %>% 
  mutate(model = "Tree")
.metric .estimator .estimate model
rmse standard 0.4635262 Tree
# Diagnostic plots 
## Plot actual vs predicted 
ggplot(data = aug_best_tree, aes(x = .pred, y = avg_time_lap)) +

## Plot residuals vs fitted 
aug_best_tree %>% 
  mutate(resid = avg_time_lap - .pred) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = resid)) +

This model seems to perform even better than the spline model. The RMSE is lower and the plot of actual vs predicted values has even less variance. However, the plot of residuals vs predicted values does seem to have nonconstant variance, with increased variance towards the center.

Random Forest

# Model spec 
rand_forest_ranger_spec <-
  rand_forest(mtry = tune(), min_n = tune()) %>%
  set_engine('ranger') %>%

# Create workflow 
forest_wflow <- workflow() %>% 
  add_model(rand_forest_ranger_spec) %>% 

# Create tuning grid and tune hyperparameters 
forest_res <- forest_wflow %>% 
  tune_grid(resample = cv5,
            grid = 25,
            metrics = metric_set(rmse),
            control = control_grid(save_pred = T, verbose = T))

# Autoplot results 
forest_res %>% autoplot()

# Finalize workflow 
best_forest <- forest_res %>% #select best hyperparameter combination 
best_forest_wflow <- forest_wflow %>% 

# Fit to training data 
best_forest_wflow_fit <- best_forest_wflow %>% 
  fit(data = train_data)

# Estimate model performance with RMSE 
aug_best_forest <- augment(best_forest_wflow_fit, new_data = train_data)
forest_rmse <- 
  aug_best_forest %>% 
  rmse(truth = avg_time_lap, .pred) %>% 
  mutate(model = "Random Forest")
.metric .estimator .estimate model
rmse standard 0.5349432 Random Forest
# Diagnostic plots 
## Plot actual vs predicted 
ggplot(data = aug_best_forest, aes(x = .pred, y = avg_time_lap)) +

## Plot residuals vs fitted 
aug_best_forest %>% 
  mutate(resid = avg_time_lap - .pred) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = resid)) +

This model appears to be a good medium between the previous two. The RMSE is between the previous two, the actual vs predicted plot looks good, and the variance seems more constant.


# Model spec
svm_poly_kernlab_spec <-
  svm_poly(cost = tune(), 
           degree = tune(), 
           scale_factor = tune(),
           margin = tune()) %>%
  set_engine('kernlab') %>%

# Create workflow 
svm_wflow <- workflow() %>% 
  add_model(svm_poly_kernlab_spec) %>% 

# Create tuning grid 
svm_grid <- grid_regular(parameters(svm_poly_kernlab_spec))

# Tune hyperparameters 
svm_res <- svm_wflow %>% 
  tune_grid(resamples = cv5,
            grid = svm_grid,
            metrics = metric_set(rmse),
            control = control_grid(verbose = TRUE))

# Autoplot results 
svm_res %>% autoplot()

# Finalize workflow 
best_svm <- svm_res %>% #select best hyperparameter combination 
best_svm_wflow <- svm_wflow %>% 

# Fit to training data 
best_svm_wflow_fit <- best_svm_wflow %>% 
  fit(data = train_data)

# Estimate model performance with RMSE 
aug_best_svm <- augment(best_svm_wflow_fit, new_data = train_data)
svm_rmse <- 
  aug_best_svm %>% 
  rmse(truth = avg_time_lap, .pred) %>% 
  mutate(model = "SVM")
.metric .estimator .estimate model
rmse standard 0.737959 SVM
# Diagnostic plots 
## Plot actual vs predicted 
ggplot(data = aug_best_svm, aes(x = .pred, y = avg_time_lap)) +

## Plot residuals vs fitted 
aug_best_svm %>% 
  mutate(resid = avg_time_lap - .pred) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = resid)) +

The diagnostic plots here look good, but the RMSE is higher than the last couple of models, so this may not be the best option.

Model Selection

Before deciding on my final model, I want to look at the RMSEs of all the models again.

# View RMSEs of all models 
knitr::kable(rbind(null_rmse, spline_rmse, tree_rmse, forest_rmse, svm_rmse))
.metric .estimator .estimate model
rmse standard 5.6343032 Null Model
rmse standard 0.7705589 Spline
rmse standard 0.4635262 Tree
rmse standard 0.5349432 Random Forest
rmse standard 0.7379590 SVM

If I base my decision solely on the RMSE, the best model would the tree model. However, I think I want to go with the random forest. The RMSE is not all that different between the two, and the diagnostic plots looked better for the random forest.

Final Model

It’s time to fit the final model and see how it performs! I’ll use the same metric and diagnostic plots I’ve been using the whole time.

# Final workflow 
forest_final <- best_forest_wflow %>% 
  last_fit(data_split, metrics = metric_set(rmse)) 

# Include predicted probabilities
aug_final_forest <- augment(forest_final)

# Estimate model performance with RMSE
forest_final %>% 
  collect_metrics() %>% 
  select(-.config) %>% 
.metric .estimator .estimate
rmse standard 0.7685735
# Make diagnostic plots 
## Plot actual vs fitted  
ggplot(data = aug_final_forest, aes(x = .pred, y = avg_time_lap)) +

## Plot residuals vs fitted 
aug_final_forest %>% 
  mutate(resid = avg_time_lap - .pred) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = .pred, y = resid)) +

This performance isn’t too bad. As expected, the RMSE is higher than in the training model, but it’s not astronomical, and the diagnostic plots still look pretty good! Fitted and predicted values are similar, and there doesn’t seem to be nonconstant variance.


This was an interesting exercise, and great practice in a start-to-finish analysis. We started with unprocessed data, cleaned and explored it, determined a question, fit multiple models to training data to determine the best one, and fit the test data to the final model. I was surprised at how well all the models fit, particularly when I went in (and honestly, finished) with so little understanding of the data. The random forest seemed to do a good job of predicting the outcome in both the train and test data. I wish this data set came with more information about factors like track materials, angle/amount of decline in the track, and anything else that may have impacted the speed. I think we could have done some more with that information, but overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the results of this exercise!